Tiny Rebel Cwtch Beer Multipack, 24 x 330 ml



Tiny Rebel






Tiny Rebel Cwtch Beer Multipack, 24 x 330 ml Beer

Cwtch is Welsh for cuddle, and this beer is a light but sweet Welsh red ale with a crisp, bitter finish that leaves you gasping for more.


Tiny Rebel are a modern craft brewery in South Wales, brewing classic British styles with a twist , usually a hoppy one.

Tasting notes

Hoppy Red Ale (Champion Beer of Britain 2015)

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Beer Margarita Cocktail Recipe

It's beerita time! Who would believe that beer would be the perfect solution to eradicating fluorescent green margaritas? Well, it is. Best to use not-so-micro brews to avoid an overpowering beer flavor. Use the limeade can to measure the ingredients, and adjust with extra water if the mixture seems too sweet. Straining the pulp is always a good idea unless, of course, you like pulp.

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