
The king of mixers has arrived. Schweppes’ refreshing, bubbly lemonade is a worldwide favourite, a classic legend with a perfect balance of bubbles, lemon, and a touch of sugar. Schweppes has been in the cocktail splashing and thirst-quenching business for over two-hundred years, staying close to their original recipe. It’s found its way into a variety of cocktails, while remaining a perfect mixer for the simple staples. Luckily, Schweppes isn’t just one drink, but rather a family of drinks and mixers, each fully optimised to the serve they developed alongside for decades. A Schweppes Soda Water fits perfectly with a fine rum to make a Mojito, while a Schweppes Lemonade can bring out the best from a summer Pimm’s. Who would have thought that the humble Jacob Schweppe’s invention, which perfected the process of aerating water, would take us on such a… schweppervescent journey. Shop Schweppes online below, from family packs to singles.

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