Polish Vodka
Talk to any proud Polish citizen and they’ll tell you, without hesitation, that vodka is 100% Polish. No doubt about it. The actual origin of this most proliferant of spirits may be hard to know fo...
Polish Vodka
Talk to any proud Polish citizen and they’ll tell you, without hesitation, that vodka is 100% Polish. No doubt about it. The actual origin of this most proliferant of spirits may be hard to know for sure, but there is historical evidence to support their claim, despite what most Russian folk might have to say about it. Court documents dating back to the Middle Ages reveal the first use of the word ‘vodka’ in Warsaw in 1405, although at that time vodka’s official use was listed as medicinal. Omnipresent throughout Polish culture and tradition since that time onward, and often referred to as ‘gorzałka’ or ‘fire water’ in their homeland, Polish vodkas have become some of the most sought after in the world.
Trademark smoothness, intensity, and clarity characterise Polish vodkas, as you’re bound to find out when you shop online with The Bottle Club. You’ll also find fantastic flavoured vodkas like Belvedere Organic Infusions Blackberry & Lemongrass and Vestal Raspberry & Blackcurrant.