Drink Rosé All Year Round

Drink-Rosé-All-Year-Round The Bottle Club


It’s come to our attention that when it comes to rosé there are a few misconceptions flying around and it’s time to put the biggest one to rest. Rosé is not just a summer drink guys! Drink rosé all year round.. because let’s face it, the pink stuff is just too good to put away. So, those of you judging clearly haven’t seen the #roséallyear hashtag!

In the past decade, rosé has risen to become the unofficial drink of summertime. But Rosé has been (mis)branded my marketers for the summer season and that shouldn't let it stop you sipping it year round!

Why Drink rosé all year round?

What many people don't seem to realise is that the flavour profile of rosé makes it a perfect pairing to winter comfort food (think pork dishes and chocolate desserts). The subtle red berry flavours won’t overwhelm food, making it the perfect pairing when you’re looking for a wine choice that will suit a range of dishes and tastes

Rosé is also so versatile,  there are many dishes that are too light to call for a red white, but too heavy for a white - and rosé is the perfect option middle ground - often overlooked as just a dangerously drinkable summer drink – when in fact, rosé is soo much more!

So, for all those rosé enthusiasts who are willing to rebel against the rosé timeframe that has been forced upon us for no good reason here are some recommendations to keep you roséd up all year round - because we just can’t wait for summer to roll around again.

 Top Tips for drinking rosé all year round

1. Don’t over chill!

You may not realise it but you’re probably drinking your wine at the wrong temperature!  Whilst we might recommend a chilled rosé in the summer when it comes to winter a rosé at room temperature is the perfect option - not only will it allow you to cosy up with it but it also aids the release of the tannins and flavour of the wine.  

2. Opt for a drier rosé

Whilst we advocate rosé all year round, when it comes to the cooler months you might prefer a sharper drier rosé over something fruity or sweet. When picking a rosé look for a lighter provencal style - it’s the perfect winter option! We suggest Maison Williams Chase Rosé, a beautiful pale shade of pink and a bone dry finish.

 3. Get the glass right

Rosé is often forgotten about when it comes to wine glasses - there's one for red and one for white but poor rosé is often overlooked. But worry not a red wine glass is a great option for room temperature wine - you’ll be surprised how this small change will get you looking at rosé in a new light!


Shop for Rosé wine

Read next article: How to Cook With Rosé 

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