Eggnog Recipe

Eggnog-Recipe The Bottle Club

You heard it here first! Eggnog is officially making a comeback. Though some may shudder at the thought of a drink this indulgent, we love to hate it - and let's be honest, it's not Christmas without it! You might argue that it deserves a rebrand, as Eggnog isn't a particularly appealing title for such a sweet, tasty dessert cocktail. One story claims that eggnog derives from "nog," an Old English word for strong beer. Eggnog ingredients held such prestige in olden times, that it was reserved for Christmas as a special treat. 

If you're planning on making home made egg nog and it isn't Christmas time, we won't tell anyone! 

Serves: 6

Prep time: 15 minutes

Nutrition: 250 Calories


  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon
  • 1 pint whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 3 ounces bourbon
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
  • 4 egg whites*


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, bourbon and nutmeg and stir to combine.
  2. Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat to soft peaks. With the mixer still running gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
  3. Whisk the egg whites into the mixture. Chill and serve.
    Cook's Note: For cooked eggnog, follow procedure below.
  4. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Set aside.
  5. In a medium saucepan, over high heat, combine the milk, heavy cream and nutmeg and bring just to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and gradually temper the hot mixture into the egg and sugar mixture. Then return everything to the pot and cook until the mixture reaches 160 degrees F. Remove from the heat, stir in the bourbon, pour into a medium mixing bowl, and set in the refrigerator to chill.
  6. In a medium mixing bowl, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. With the mixer running gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Whisk the egg whites into the chilled mixture.

Category: Drinks Cuisine: Cocktail

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